How God Uses His Creation to Revive Your Heart

When was the last time you went outside—just to be outside? Without an agenda to get somewhere or to accomplish something? Without a screen or a book in your hands? Without a list of chores to complete by sundown?

Scripture declares that creation is intended to point us to our Creator, in order to increase our sense of awe for who He is and make us ripe for heart revival. We catch a glimpse of that in Psalm 104, and I think it’s a worthy prescription for any of us who need a vivid reminder of who God is.

My soul, bless the LORD!
LORD my God, you are very great;
you are clothed with majesty and splendor. (Psalm 104:1–2)

The psalmist clearly displayed a heart of worship in the words he penned. 

Thrilled at beholding God? Yes! An eternal perspective that dwarfed the challenges of daily life? Yes! An attempt to imagine things beyond understanding? Yes!

Launching into Psalm 104, the psalmist couldn’t help but celebrate and to “bless the LORD.”

But it makes me wonder: what gave the psalmist that perspective? Was he choosing to ignore the darkness and sadness around him? Had he just received some great news or an unexpected payday? Was the coffee particularly well-brewed that morning? Had he never questioned where God even was, or why rank injustice was allowed in the world?

The answer is clear, if we keep reading. The psalmist was considering the majesty of God as Creator, by reflecting on the sights and sounds of His creation. That’s what motivated such a joyful song in his heart.

Great News for Sad Souls

This is great news, because it means that God might spark revival in my heart as I walk out the door, just a few footsteps away. Think about it: when life feels negative or my mind is overwhelmed, what might happen if I just took a moment outside at a local park, or along a nearby trail, or in my own backyard? Would beholding the wonder of creation help me refocus on my Creator?

The psalmist took that sacred time and started listing all sorts of wonders. Considering creation reminded him that God:

  • Set the earth on its foundations (v. 5).
  • Causes the springs to gush (v. 10).
  • Waters the mountains (v. 13).
  • Causes grass to grow (v. 14).
  • Made the moon (v. 19).

He mentions all sorts of everyday, natural things which, each in their own way, testify to the love, provision, bounty, and creativity of God. Things like lions and fish, storks and cedar trees, darkness and light, donkeys and goats! 

God can use everything He has made to inspire a sense of wonder within us, and as scientists keep discovering, there’s always more. The most powerful microscopes reveal whole new worlds of color and action in the tiniest of places, while space-based telescopes unveil cosmic grandeurs immeasurably vast. 

How countless are your works, LORD!
In wisdom you have made them all;
the earth is full of your creatures.
Here is the sea, vast and wide,
teeming with creatures beyond number—
living things both large and small. (vv. 24–25)

The more we see the beauty of the universe, the more our hearts fill with respect for the One who designed it and brought it into existence. The more we see with our eyes, the more we perceive that which is beyond our sight. And that’s when we, like the psalmist, begin to long for God again. Seeing the Creator in light of His creation allows our hearts to overflow with feelings of delight, appreciation, comfort, exhilaration, and yes, worship.

I will sing to the LORD all my life;
I will sing praise to my God while I live.
May my meditation be pleasing to him;
I will rejoice in the LORD. (vv. 33–34)

From your vantage point today, can you seethe glory of God? Have you noticed His splendor and majesty? Is that sense of awe inspiring a celebration in your soul that lifts your eyes beyond your daily grind as you behold the greatness of God’s power? Is your heart revived? Are your eyes wide with wonder?

If not, read Psalm 104, then step outside.

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About the Author

Dan Jarvis

Dan Jarvis is an author, speaker, and content strategist for Revive Our Hearts. He and his wife Melissa parent ten children, six of whom they adopted through foster care. Together, their aim is to seek God's kingdom first and … read more …

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