
I make it a practice not to put myself in dangerous situations. But despite caution, I abruptly came face to face with a man recently in a secluded area of a hotel's grounds. His manner was suspect, his intentions questionable. Physically, the man was twice my size. My instinctive radar shot off alarming distress signals. While a friend kept an attentive ear on the phone, I was able to make a swift getaway. Having escaped the potential threat, I sighed, "Safe!" once locked inside my hotel room.

Human nature is programmed to flee danger. Yet, there is a constant stream of situations that evoke feelings of insecurity, like:

  • Change
  • Uncertainties
  • Unclear future
  • Unmet needs
  • Undiagnosed illness

More often than I care to admit, I wrestle in prayer to place my sole trust in God's ability to keep me safe. I cry out to escape the troubles of this world, not behind a bolted door, but behind the protective arms of Jesus. The perfect High Priest who intercedes at God's right hand understands my struggles and puny faith. In those unsettling times, I recall a heavyweight truth:

"You have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God" (Col. 3:3).

I'm safe because I died with Christ.

The mystery of how a law-breaker exchanges life with the perfect Law-Keeper remains a wonder to my soul.

His crucifixion = my crucifixion.
His death = my death.
His resurrection = my resurrection.
His righteousness = my righteousness.

When God the Father sees me, He looks through the blood drops of His Son. What He said about Jesus can be repeated about me in Christ: "This is my beloved daughter. I am well pleased with her!"

I'm safe because my life is hidden in His.

Nothing can touch us in Christ's hiding place. In Him, I am lifted up to heaven into the presence of the God of the universe. We have bold confidence that He isn't shaken by whatever rocks our world. There's no troubled marriage, wayward child, or insufficient finances He can't handle. We rest assured each day is kept perfectly safe in His sovereign control.

I'm safe because nothing can separate us.

On this side of heaven, we'll never be closer to Jesus than we are at this moment. He told us so in John 14:20, "In that day, you will know that I am in my Father, and you in me, and I in you." When I lose my patience, speak a harsh word, wallow in pity, ignore a hurting person, or think too highly of myself, my sins won't jerk me away from my Savior.

Jesus never says, "I tolerate you and your sins." Instead, He (amazingly!) whispers, "I love you, and your sins are forgiven." Just as a newborn infant is wrapped tightly in a blanket to keep its flailing limbs secure, we are wrapped safely in our Father's love and absolute care.

Think of the perils that make you feel unsafe today. Will you let Jesus wash you in His love as a reminder that you rest securely, hidden in Him? Then exhale, "Safe!"

About the Author

Leslie Bennett

Leslie Bennett has led Women’s Ministry in two local churches, and serves on the Revive Our Hearts ministry team. She connects with women’s leaders around the world in the Revive Our Hearts Leader Facebook Group and as host of online … read more …

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