
278 Results

True Confessions of a Pastor's Wife | Revive Our Hearts Blog

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blog post | November 23, 2010

I’m married to a youth pastor. I know all about unrealistic expectations, excess criticism, and the identity crisis that being a family in ministry can cause.

Loving Someone in Their Mess | Revive Our Hearts Blog

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blog post | June 2, 2014

Is it humanly possible to truly love someone who has hurt you?

His Name Is Beautiful Because He Is Wonderful | Revive Our Hearts Blog

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blog post | March 31, 2022

As humans, we name people for the sake of convention—to tell us who a person is. Jesus is entirely different. His names tell us who He is, but also much more.

True Hope Tuesday: Piroscka’s Story | Revive Our Hearts Blog

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blog post | December 11, 2018

Once upon a time, Piroscka found hope in having a perfect life. Now Revive Our Hearts has helped her to find True Hope.

6 Ways to Navigate Loss | Revive Our Hearts Blog

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blog post | December 1, 2014

I've experienced loss many times. But no matter how much loss one experiences, I don't think it's something we ever grow comfortable with.

Mentoring Is Modeling Weakness | Revive Our Hearts Blog

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blog post | October 11, 2017

Mentoring is modeling how to depend God in the midst of our weaknesses, struggles, and unanswered questions.

Mary—Trusting through Unknowns | Revive Our Hearts Blog

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blog post | December 16, 2019

Mary recognized the sovereignty of God and was able to place herself fully in His care, no matter what that might look like.

Stuck in a Ditch You Drove Into? | Revive Our Hearts Blog

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blog post | February 22, 2016

We can call on God any time, any place—even when we’ve been foolish.

To the Woman Who Can’t Attend True Woman ’22 | Revive Our Hearts Blog

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blog post | September 22, 2022

Your unconventional conference experience isn’t Plan B in God’s book. You’ve been on our hearts from the beginning!