
3,212 Results

It Takes a Whole Bible to Make a Whole Christian | Revive Our Hearts Blog

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blog post | February 4, 2021

Reading the whole Bible is not required to be a true Christian. But a whole Christian needs the whole Bible in order to thrive.

When One Woman Says, "Yes, Lord!" | Revive Our Hearts Blog

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blog post | April 30, 2014

Molly had a picture-perfect marriage . . . on the outside. Inside her heart was another story. God began to work in her life through Revive Our Hearts.

Momma, Let Jesus Speak into Your Storms | Revive Our Hearts Blog

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blog post | May 7, 2021

We may have sailed into this Mother’s Day with some storms raging both outside of us and within us, but we are not alone in our boats.

Microwaves and the Eternal God | Revive Our Hearts Blog

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blog post | December 13, 2010

Do you remember when postal mail was the only option? I love email, but I think living without “waiting” may make it harder to grasp the concept of the eternal.

An Unlikely Friendship | Revive Our Hearts Blog

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blog post | January 25, 2012

When I graduated college, I floundered for a while. No one had warned me that I wouldn't always have a group of friends just like me.

Scripture Memory "Queen of Bad" No More | Revive Our Hearts Blog

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blog post | January 6, 2010

For years, I was the "queen of bad" at hiding God's Word in my heart. I had great intentions and periodically even managed to memorize a verse or two. . .

Intimacy Is a Gift from God—Even When Your Kids Are Young | Revive Our Hearts Blog

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blog post | March 18, 2020

We know. When the little ones are finally put to bed, you don’t want to hear anyone saying, “I need you.”

Denouement: Life as an Exile | Revive Our Hearts Blog

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blog post | December 28, 2023

Revisit part of the Christmas account that doesn’t make it into the Christmas songs or cards.

Feed on His Faithfulness | Revive Our Hearts Blog

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blog post | May 9, 2022

Evildoers and wickedness surround us on every side, but we don’t have to get discouraged or angry.