1,469 Results
Christian Parents, Let’s Lock Arms | Revive Our Hearts Blog
5 Gospel Truths for Parents of Teenagers | Revive Our Hearts Blog
Parenting teenagers isn’t a breeze—but when we, as parents, hold firm to gospel truth, we find wisdom and hope to help us love, discipline, and guide our kids.
3 Things Teachers Wish Parents Knew | Revive Our Hearts Blog
It’s likely that your child’s teacher is the most influential person in his or her life. Perhaps it’s time we invest a little more energy into understanding the people shaping our children.
10 Things My Parents Did Right | Revive Our Hearts Blog
What Kids Really Want from Their Busy Parents | Revive Our Hearts Blog
It’s a world of options, and we’re crazy not to pack our schedules full with every opportunity for our kids, right? Let’s think again.
Four Ways Good Parents Miss the Best for Their Children | Revive Our Hearts Blog
Consider four ways what’s good can become the enemy of what’s best as we seek to raise our children in the faith.
Parents, Don’t Waste Your Lazy Summer Days | Revive Our Hearts Blog
Is it really such a bad thing to have wide open spaces in our planners? Maybe it’s what we need to refocus our priorities and make the most of the time we’re given with our kids?
Please Help Me Parent This Boy-Crazy Girl of Mine! | Revive Our Hearts Blog
"I have three girls ages seven, five, and two. And now I'm watching my nine-year-old niece who is crazy boy crazy. Do you have any advice?"