The Sovereign Scheduler

Dear True Woman Blog Reader,

I stare at a blank calendar page and pray that God will act as the Sovereign Scheduler as I prepare to fill yet another month with True Woman blog posts. And He does.

Here are just a couple comments from readers this past month:

Thank you for your words; this is exactly what I needed today. God is so good to allow me to come across exactly what my heart needed to hear.

This was exactly what I needed so desperately today. It's so helpful to know I'm not the only one struggling with fear. The Psalms you shared were just precious. Thank you so much!

Only God is omniscient and wise enough to do that. Only God can bend the ear of even those who don't want to hear from us!

God put you in my life at just the right time. I'm struggling with forgiveness. I get these emails everyday, but I never read them. I just don't wanna face the realizations they bring. But something told me to go back to this article I had seen pop up in my email. When I got to the word "Jennifer" (that's my name), I knew God put this in front of me. I even said out loud, "Well, it's obvious You wanted me to read this!"

I cannot thank you enough for sharing your experience. Whenever you have hard days, remember how much you're helping people like me.

Then there are the women who do read the posts regularly, like this reader who gets the posts emailed to her at work:

This was the best blog ever and so timely in my life, I cannot tell you. In my quiet time the very day this blog was posted, I had the Scripture come to me about how we should consider Jesus, who endured such hostility from sinners. And then I got to work, and this blog was in my inbox.

I couldn't believe the confirmation that the way to deal with this injustice against me is to look to God's enough-ness. A big challenge to my heart, but so welcome. If I can see this challenge through, there will be the "peaceable fruit of righteousness." So thank you all the way from New Zealand, so much, for this amazing blog.

These are exciting days for True Woman, and more importantly, for God's kingdom. He is on the move in women's hearts. Have no doubt of that!

Would you partner with Him in the daily work He is doing in women's hearts and lives through the True Woman blog? (If you didn't know, this blog continues to operate through the faithful giving of our readers.) And now is an ideal time to give, as your gift will be doubled by some very generous ministry partners through December 31!

With gratefulness for you and great expectations for all He will do in 2016,

Paula (Hendricks) Marsteller
True Woman Blog Manager

PS: Just for fun, here's something else the Sovereign Scheduler did in 2015 that I'm pretty jazzed about. :)

About the Author

Paula Marsteller

Paula Marsteller

Paula Marsteller is a gifted communicator with a tenacious commitment to Scripture coupled with a compassionate, loving voice. God has captured Paula’s heart, and she is passionate about sharing life-changing, gospel truths through the lens of her everyday, ordinary life … read more …

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