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Glad You AskedAnswers to 10 Essential Questions

Revive Our Hearts Staff Writers

For your biggest questions, seek beyond the search bar.

We know there are important questions on your heart. Glad You Asked will give you handles to hold on to as you thoughtfully engage with Scripture, answer questions for further insight, and apply the answers in your own life. Open your Bible and ask away!


Small Group Guide

Discussion questions, additional Scripture, and recommended resources for each chapter are included to make this a perfect resource to use with a small group.

About the Author

Revive Our Hearts Staff Writers

Revive Our Hearts is blessed with a team of gifted writers and editors who worked together on this resource.

Questions Covered

  1. I think I’m a Christian, but I’m not sure. How can I be certain?
  2. How could God possibly forgive what I’ve done?
  3. I get so distracted when I try to read the Bible. How can I focus?
  4. My prayer life feels weak. How can I pray more effectively?
  5. Do I really need the Church?
  6. If God loves me, why am I suffering?
  7. I’m struggling to forgive people who have wronged me. Can you help?
  8. I’m confused about the gender debate. What does the Bible say?
  9. What is revival? Can we really experience it?
  10. Can Christians really make a difference?

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