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Growing GratefulLive Happy, Peaceful, and Contented

Mary Kassian

In Growing Grateful, you'll find 101 entries on the joy of being grateful even in the hardest times. Each entry in this beautiful book contains a meaningful Bible verse, a short entry that helps you reflect on your own attitude of gratitude, and a meditation with questions to consider or to write about in your journal.

About the Author

Mary Kassian

In addition to being a frequent contributor on Revive Our Hearts podcasts and at True Woman conferences, Mary Kassian is an award-winning author and internationally renowned speaker. She has written more than a dozen books and Bible studies including True … read more …

Growing Grateful Downloads

  • 5 printable gratitude notecards
  • Gratitude phone lock screens
  • 30-day gratitude Bible reading plan


  • Mary's filled every page with solid, biblical reasons to offer up gratitude to God. Gratitude has made all the difference in my life, and it will in your life too.

    Jennifer Rothschild

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