Sharing the Greatest Treasure: Reaching toward our $2 Million Goal Sharing the Greatest Treasure: Reaching toward our $2 Million Goal

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While You Wait for Your ProdigalA 30-Day Prayer Challenge

Revive Our Hearts Staff Writers

Pray Them Home

Though far from a modern phenomenon, a growing number of families find themselves heartbroken over a sheep who has strayed. In response to their outcry, we’ve created While You Wait for Your Prodigal.

Over the course of thirty days, spend time each day in God’s Word and in prayer, while “Make It Personal” questions help you take the message to heart.

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About the Author

Revive Our Hearts Staff Writers

Revive Our Hearts is blessed with a team of gifted writers and editors who worked together on this resource.

International Availability

This challenge is also available in Spanish, Portuguese, German, and Italian at

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