Grandparenting on Purpose: A 10-Day Challenge

Grandparenting is an important and exciting task.

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While You Wait for Your Prodigal

Don’t succumb to despair while you wait for a beloved prodigal to come home. Take action—on your knees.

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30-Day Husband Encouragement

Intentionally encourage your husband each day and watch God work.

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30-Day Singled Out

Learn to thrive in your relationship with Christ as a single woman.

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30-Day Power of Words

Control your tongue rather than letting it control you.

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30-Day Gratitude Challenge

Learn to recognize and express appreciation for the benefits you've received from God and others.

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30-Day Bible Reading

Feed your hunger for God’s Word by digging in daily.

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30-Day Grounded in Wisdom

Receive sound advice as you seek the Lord for wisdom.

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Cry Out! Prayer

Set aside 30 days for desperate, focused prayer.

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30-Day I Choose Truth

Find freedom from lies through fresh encounters with truth.

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Woman reading her Bible

What Is a Challenge?

It’s one thing to talk about what we should do as Christians; it’s another thing to turn thoughts into action. Challenges allow Revive Our Hearts to run the race beside you, offering encouragement, instruction, and practical ways to put what you’re learning into practice.

What to Expect

When you sign up for a Revive Our Hearts challenge, you can expect to receive an encouraging email each day. While every challenge has its own flavor, each short reading will generally include:

  1. A verse or portion of Scripture for you to meditate on as you begin your time with the Lord.
  2. Trustworthy devotional content related to your chosen challenge.
  3. Questions for further reflection.
  4. Ideas to help you make the devotional personal.


  • “God has helped me actually see with my heart and eyes the brokenness around me. He has also given me the strength to pray and love on those people who need Him the most.”

    Jana, Cry Out! Prayer Challenge
  • “My heart has gone from stubborn to tender, hopeless to hopeful, and faithless to believing.”

    Tori, Cry Out! Prayer Challenge
  • “Since I have started reading the Bible every day, I am a new person.”

    Phumzile, Bible Reading Challenge
  • “Reading God’s Word daily has brought His light, joy, and peace to my day. He is changing my heart through His Word in many areas such as the sin of pride, gossip, and a quarrelsome attitude in my home. His Word cleanses, heals, grows, and loves me each day.”

    SwFlGulfCoastGirl, Bible Reading Challenge
  • “The Truth of God's Word really has set me free.  I am just crying seeing what God has done in my life over thirty days.”

    Debbie, I Choose Truth Challenge
  • “I can’t believe how much our marriage has turned around. Not only is my husband feeling more loved and appreciated, but deep in my heart I feel love and appreciation toward him too—something I’m ashamed to admit has been absent for a long time.”

    Lisa, Husband Encouragement
  • “I just finished doing the 30-Day Husband Encouragement Challenge—twice! And I want to do this every day for the rest of my marriage.”

    Amy, Husband Encouragement