Ministering with a Revived Heart: A Profile of …
Leslie and Angela share when they first began learning about the importance of spiritual revival.
Leslie and Angela share when they first began learning about the importance of spiritual revival.
Maria has a passion to come alongside Christian women struggling with mental health challenges, to help them identify and replace lies they have believed.
Without intentionality, you may miss out on serving those in your midst who do not know Jesus.
Julie Clum, Julie White, and Elena Thomas are three ROH Ambassadors who have learned how to cultivate gratitude within within a variety of ministry settings.
If you long to be a prayer-saturated leader, what’s your next step?
How do you know when it’s time to make minor changes to part of your ministry or when it’s time to overhaul an entire program?
Find out how to identify and equip new leaders in this interview with Julie White and Leslie Bennett.