Kayce Reed

Pride, Louisiana,

Kayce and her husband Rusty are “happy campers” who have ministered at their church for over twenty years. During that time, she has led the ladies’ ministry alongside some amazing and gifted women. Her desire is to teach the Word in season and out of season, be an example of living by God’s grace, and to serve the Lord and others with her whole heart. She is a momma to two grown children and a Lollie to one precious grandson, as well as a special education teacher and an amateur photographer. She loves camping, walking, and listening to podcasts. She has learned much being in the ministry most of her adult life—lessons she wouldn’t trade for the world because they have shaped her faith, taught her about grace, and helped her seek the Lord in all things.

Contact Kayce at KReed@ROHAmbassador.com

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