Living the Surrendered Life
Nancy walks line by line through the hymn, "Take My Life." Personalize this wonderful text as your prayer to be fully consecrated to Christ.
Author and Host , Revive Our Hearts
Nancy walks line by line through the hymn, "Take My Life." Personalize this wonderful text as your prayer to be fully consecrated to Christ.
Ron and Mary Jenson took me into their lives, opened their hearts and home to me, and did more training than they probably ever realized.
These questions have been designed to help you evaluate whether or not you are meeting God’s conditions for revival.
We would all be quick to agree about the need for repentance outside the walls of our churches. But are we as quick to recognize our own need to repent?
We need a fresh visitation of the Spirit in revival when these fifty evidences characterize our life.
These questions have been designed to help us evaluate whether or not we are meeting God’s conditions for revival.
Jesus was no dry-eyed, joyless, unfeeling robot. He knows what it’s like to hurt, to laugh, to wish, to agonize.
God came, and His coming in that moment tells us something beautiful this Christmas.
We were made to be spent for the glory of God and for the good of others.
After hundreds of years of silence, the ice began to crack. God was on the move.
Get resources to lead your True Woman 201 study.
Get resources to lead your True Woman 101 study.
A sophron lifestyle begins with a sophron state of mind—a way of thinking that affects everything about the way we live.
Here are some of Nancy's favorite biographies.
Follow the link to download a PDF of The Lord's Prayer: A 30-Day Devotional.
Learn the foundations of Bible study: observation, interpretation, and application.
This simple acrostic will help you remember the basics as you sit down to study Scripture.
The Bible has a plot, but you can’t get the whole of that story if you just read pieces here and there. Consider reading through it systematically.
One of the greatest ways to help you concentrate and focus is reading the Word with pen in hand.
When you know the purpose of devotions, it helps you to be motivated to stay in the Word.