Faithful to the Finish Line, Day 5: Run …
Are your eyes drifting over to someone else’s lane?
Are your eyes drifting over to someone else’s lane?
The stories of deeply sinful people of the past are meant to lead deeply sinful people today to God for forgiveness and grace.
The Bible is written about real people with real emotions.
Avoiding this mistake adds depth to your teaching and enlivens the text.
How can we replace jealousy, rivalry, and pride with community?
To influence controlling women, start by surrendering your own burden of control.
As we serve women in the digital universe, let’s each guard our heart with vigilance, “for from it flow the springs of life” (Prov. 4:23).
As influencers who want to exalt Jesus, not ourselves, how should we approach platform building?
Ministry is advancing to the front lines of a battle zone. Jesus teaches leaders how to stand firm.
Do we value unity the same way Jesus does?
Conflict detracts from the gospel. While it may be costly and tedious to restore unity, it cannot be ignored. The stakes are too high.
Division and tension naturally arise when committed but flawed believers try to minister together. Conflict is common. Control Girls are common.