Daily Reflections

A Compassion that Prays

July 16, 2024 Aylín Merck

“The harvest is abundant, but the workers are few. Therefore, pray to the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest.” —Matthew 9:37–38

When the Lord had compassion on the crowd in Matthew 9, He didn’t suggest that the solution was for them to rush to care for others. He told them to plead—and to pray fervently. The text can be literally interpreted as “pray in such a way that God commits to answer” or “pray holding onto God until He responds.”

Compassion is such a deep and visceral emotion that it overflows into fervent, insistent, and determined prayer. The first thing compassion does is pray to the Father before acting in any other way.

As I look at this passage, I appreciate seeing that this prayer takes the limitations of ministry for granted. There are many needs; there are few workers. We cannot always be the ones to make up for what others lack. Acknowledging our inability doesn’t lead us to indifference, however. Rather it fuels our prayers, prompting us to pray more intensely that God supply the great riches of His grace.


“A Love with Skin” (Mujer Verdadera blog at AvivaNuestrosCorazones.com)

Scripture taken from The CSB 

Make it Personal

The next time you’re irritated or annoyed with someone, stop and pray that God would fill you with His compassion for them.