The man and his wife heard the sound of the LORD God walking in the garden. —Genesis 3:8
In the first pages of the Bible, we’re introduced to a God who initiates relationship with man. Of all God’s creation, man alone is given the capacity to respond to God’s initiative, to love Him in return, to know Him, and to enjoy His companionship.
However, no sooner has the story begun than man rejects God’s initiative and intimacy is broken. In response, this Lover-God imme- diately sets into motion a plan whereby His estranged loved ones may be restored to intimate fellowship with Himself. And what is the outcome of that plan?
When we come to the final pages of the Bible we see the ultimate fulfillment of the eternal purposes of God, as heaven is peopled with those whose hearts have been won by His love and who will spend eternity in an intimate love relationship with their Creator.
So, you see from start to finish, the Word of God is one incredible love story. And, wonder of wonders, it is a story that has your name and mine in it.
A Place of Quiet Rest: Finding Intimacy with God through a Daily Devotional Life
©2000 Nancy Leigh DeMoss
Scripture taken from The CSB
Make it Personal
How does looking at what you read in the Bible as a love story affect your view of God?