Daily Reflections

Breaking Ground

August 1, 2024 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

Break up your unplowed ground. It is time to seek the Lord. —Hosea 10:12

God’s pattern through the Bible is to restore His wayward people. Consider, for example, the prophet Hosea.

God sent Hosea to prophesy to the nation of Israel. Though they were God’s chosen people, the nation was in a sad state of spiritual and moral decline. For years they had enjoyed God’s blessings—material bounty, military strength, peaceful relations with neighboring nations—yet they still turned away from Him.

They stopped viewing God as the source of their blessings and chose instead to credit themselves. They put off worshiping God. They ceased loving Him. They replaced Him with idols, worldly pursuits, and earthly wealth.

It was to these confused fellow countrymen that Hosea delivered repeated rebukes and appeals. If they did not return to the Lord, he warned, judgment would surely come. Look at the essence of Hosea’s message in Hosea 10:12. If we want to return to God, we must be prepared to break up the hard, barren ground of our spiritual lives. When? Now.


Seeking Him: Experiencing the Joy of Personal Revival ©2009 Life Action Ministries

Scripture taken from The CSB

Make it Personal

Ask God to help you break up any hard ground in your spiritual life—and do it today!