Daily Reflections

Building Up Your Muscles

February 26, 2024 Deborah Smith

Consider it a great joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you experience various trials. —James 1:2

This idea of rejoicing in trials is one many people struggle with. Why did God design it this way? Because the work He has for Christians demands maturity, and maturity demands trials. To be effective, we need to be strong in Him.

To get stronger when you exercise, you must increase the weight on the bar. That’s what trials do—they “add more weight” and grow our spiritual muscles.

God would never ask us to do what He hasn’t empowered us to do. By His Spirit, we can be challenged yet joyful and content if we look past our circumstances and keep our eyes on Jesus.

Each trial prepares us to go through the next one with greater faith, resolve, and trust. We want to handle difficult circumstances in a way that says our faith isn’t contingent on ease and comfort. And when we look back, we’ll be able to declare that “the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us” (Rom. 8:18).


Choose Joy in the Difficult Journey” (ReviveOurHearts.com/blog)

Scripture taken from The CSB

Make it Personal

How have your past trials “built up” your spiritual muscles and prepared you for what was to come?