Daily Reflections

Carry the Light

May 19, 2024 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

“You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you will name him Jesus.” —Luke 1:31

There is a sense in which God has chosen all of us for a similar task as Mary of Nazareth— to bring forth spiritual life. Whether or not He grants us physical children, He wants to use us to carry the life and light of Jesus into the world—to be spiritual reproducers, bringing forth His life in the lives of others.

We may look at certain prominent or unusually gifted people and think they’ve been uniquely chosen by God. The fact is that if you’re a child of God, you’ve been chosen by Him for a task of supreme significance—to be a bearer and nurturer of spiritual life by carrying the life of Jesus to others.

Look at your life that way and you’ll never have a self-image problem. Many people today carry scars of rejection. What a joy to discover that though we deserve to be rejected by God, we have been chosen to belong to Him and to be a part of His redemptive plan in the universe.


Portrait of a Woman Used by God: Lessons from the Life of Mary of Nazareth ©2016 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

Scripture taken from The CSB

Make it Personal

Ask God to give you opportunities to be a nurturer of spiritual life in those around you.