Daily Reflections

Cry Out Together

August 9, 2024 Dannah Gresh

Pour out your heart like water before the Lord’s presence. Lift up your hands to him for the lives of your children. —Lamentations 2:19

When I was twelve, I awakened in the night to find my mother fully dressed and looking out the window. (I would later learn my father had been injured.) I was fearful and asked what she was doing. Her reply: “I’m praying. Do you want to pray with me?”

She didn’t share the details of her fear but told me that my dad had been fighting a fire and we should pray. She invited me into the battle! I distinctly remember fear giving way to faith as I slipped back to sleep.

I believe one of the most important times to pray with our children isn’t at meals or bedtime but when the world is messy. And it is messy right now.

I know you’re praying for your children, but it’s just as important to pray with them. Like it or not, our children are in the battle with us. Let’s invite them to walk in faith by joining us as we cry out to God.


Cry Out! Challenge (ReviveOurHearts.com, 2020)

Scripture taken from The CSB

Make it Personal

Pray with the children in your life today. Ask God that these times of crying out to Him would cause their prayer lives to blossom.