Daily Reflections

Don’t Pray Alone

June 10, 2024 Lori Hatcher

In the same way the Spirit also helps us in our weakness, because we do not know what to pray for as we should, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with inexpressible groanings. —Romans 8:26

God didn’t design prayer simply as a mental or spiritual discipline. Prayer is how we share our thoughts, questions, emotions, and needs with Him. If He invites us to pray, it’s reasonable and logical for us to expect Him to answer in the way He knows is best.

Long-haul praying, especially, is most effective when we don’t pray alone. Without the encour- agement of another prayer, we can easily grow weary and discouraged. To fight this, I’ve met monthly with a group of moms to pray for our adult children. We know we’ll be praying for these kids until the Lord takes us home, and we’re committed to being faithful to this call. Praying together helps us persevere.

Even if you don’t have a prayer partner or group to pray with, we’re never truly alone when we pray. Romans 8:26 reminds us of the prayer partner that never leaves our side.


10 Powerful Reasons to Keep Praying When You Want to Quit” (ReviveOurHearts.com/blog)

Scripture taken from The CSB 

Make it Personal

Find another person or group with whom you can share your concerns and together lift them up in prayer.