Daily Reflections

Don’t Stop Praying

June 29, 2024 Lori Hatcher

He told them a parable on the need for them to pray always and not give up. —Luke 18:1

Jesus knew we’d grow weary. He knew our tender hearts would break over the effects of sin in this world. He knew our souls would cringe every time evil triumphed and good people suffered. He knew we’d long for heaven, when all would be made right and there’d be no more sickness, dying, or pain. He knew the time between promise and fulfillment, faith and sight would be long. And hard. And heartbreaking.

Perhaps this is why He shared the parable of the persistent widow in Luke 18. I suspect He chose a widow as an example because widows were among the most vulnerable of all. With no husband to care for them, they were entirely dependent on the benevolence of others. They had no rights, no clout, and no resources.

Yet Jesus shared her example of persistent prayer to remind us that as the unjust judge saw her and granted her request, how much more will our kind and benevolent Father hear and answer our prayers?


10 Powerful Reasons to Keep Praying When You Want to Quit” (ReviveOurHearts.com/blog)

Scripture taken from The CSB 

Make it Personal

What prayer requests are you tempted to give up on? What truths from Luke 18 encourage you to keep lifting them up to God?