Daily Reflections

Exhort One Another

October 28, 2023 Erin Davis

Encourage each other daily, while it is still called today, so that none of you is hardened by sin’s deception. —Hebrews 3:13

Every time I see Kathy, she is talking about the Lord.

Kathy and I attend church together. Occasionally, I bump into her in the grocery store. No matter what, Kathy always has a kind word to share. Most often it’s a Bible verse or a specific way she’s been praying. Instead of keeping these things to herself, she turns them into exhortations, reminders of our identity in Christ.

For Kathy, pointing others to Jesus is a lifestyle. She isn’t super-spiritual. She simply chooses to exhort others all around her every chance she gets.

Exhortation isn’t a Sunday morning activity. It’s an all day, everyday decision to speak life-giving words that point people to Jesus. It’s a little choice that makes a big difference.

Since we’re living in a “today” right this very moment, we don’t have to wait to apply this principle. Look into the eyes of those you around you and choose to live like Kathy. Speak a word of exhortation today.


Living Out the One Anothers of Scripture: A 30-Day Devotional ©2020 Revive Our Hearts

Scripture taken from The CSB

Make it Personal

Listen and respond as the Holy Spirit nudges you to speak words of encouragement or exhortation to others.