Daily Reflections

Fallow Ground

August 17, 2024 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

“Break up your fallow ground, and sow not among thorns.” —Jeremiah 4:3 ESV

Fallow ground—once plowed, but now lying waste—must be tilled with a sharp plow in order to make the soil ready for seed and, ultimately, fruitful and productive.

The condition of the Western church is remark- ably similar to that of Israel when the prophet Jeremiah spoke the words in Jeremiah 4:3. In many ways we, too, have forsaken God and attempted to replace Him with other gods.

If Jeremiah were preaching now, he would scarcely need to alter his words! He might tell God’s people today:

• Return to your former lifestyle of righ- teousness, to a time when you obeyed His Word.
• Accept God’s mercy and forgive those who have wronged you.
• Allow God to “plow up” the hardened ground of your hearts.
• Grieve over your sins.

Take the words of Jeremiah to heart and make seeking God your highest pursuit.


Seeking Him: Experiencing the Joy of Personal Revival ©2009 Life Action Ministries

Scripture taken from The ESV

Make it Personal

What do you think it means to “break up your fallow ground” in your own life?