You who seek God, let your hearts revive. —Psalm 69:32 ESV
The turn of the twentieth century was marked by an unusual concern for spiritual matters. Believers throughout the world were moved to pray for revival. In November 1904, the Holy Spirit began to stir in an extraordinary way in the hearts of Christians throughout Wales. What transpired over the next several months was nothing short of supernatural.
Evan Roberts was one person that God used. The fire of God burned in the heart of this young coal miner who had little formal education. Everywhere he went, Roberts delivered a message that was simple, straightforward, and timeless. It became known as “The Four Points.” Did God’s people desire an outpouring of His Spirit? Then four conditions must be observed: 1) confess all known sin; 2) put away all doubtful things and forgive everyone; 3) obey the promptings of the Holy Spirit; 4) publicly confess Christ as your Savior.
The impact of the revival was felt throughout the culture and spread to other countries—evidence that God can use just one person, family, or church to spread His glory around the world.
Seeking Him: Experiencing the Joy of Personal Revival
©2009 Life Action Ministries
Scripture taken from The ESV
Make it Personal
Follow the four conditions above, and then ask God to use you to impact those around you for His glory.