Daily Reflections

He Can Make It Beautiful

June 26, 2024 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

There is faithful love with the Lord, and with him is redemption in abundance. —Psalm 130:7

Parenthood is a means of sanctification, meant to deepen your confidence in the One who can supply every grace to you through the indwelling Spirit of Jesus. That’s true when the troubles you encounter are relatively minor. But what about when they’re major?

I can’t tell you how many stories I’ve heard from parents who’ve earnestly sought to love their children well and to lead them into a relationship with Christ and who still experience heartache. For many, being a parent is a roller-coaster ride, with periods of crisis followed by brief glimpses of calm. No sooner do parents dare to hope again than they’re plunged back into a familiar place of anxiety, regret, guilt, heaviness, and too many fractured emotions to count.

If that’s what loving your children has been like lately, I want to give you fresh hope. Amid our troubles—no matter the size—it’s important to remember that we have an amazing God who can take our failures (and our children’s) and make something beautiful. He renews us, and He redeems us.


Adorned: Living Out the Beauty of the Gospel Together ©2017 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

Scripture taken from The CSB 

Make it Personal

Lay any areas of life where you feel as if you’ve failed before the Lord, asking Him to redeem them and make something new.