Daily Reflections

He’s Always with Us

December 27, 2024 Karen Ellis

He will not allow your foot to slip; your Protector will not slumber. Indeed, the Protector of Israel does not slumber or sleep. —Psalm 121:3–4

In these wee small hours, as our eyelids grow heavy with [God’s] peaceful presence, we rest knowing that he who watches over us never slumbers. . . .

We realize that we were never alone as the minutes ticked on. He has never once left nor forsaken us, not even as the nighttime shadows first danced and grew large around us. True to his word, our God—Father, Son and Holy Spirit—sings over us a silent lullaby, one that is heard only in heaven and deep in our souls. The Watchman of the universe lulls us to rest in perfect three-part harmony (Zeph. 3:17).

He rocks and comforts with a divine lullaby that brushes away every fearful, night-watch tear that might otherwise have glistened in the morning sun.

Sleep, beloved. Rest.
And hope again.3

3 His Testimonies, My Heritage, 2019, K.A. Ellis (Kristie Anyabwile)


His Testimonies, My Heritage (2019) edited by Kristie Anyabwile, used by kind permission of the Publisher, The Good Book Company. www.thegoodbook.com

Scripture taken from The CSB 

Make it Personal

Thank God that He is your Protector and is always with you, even in the dark.