Daily Reflections

“If Only I Had...”

August 11, 2024 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

Godliness with contentment is great gain. —1 Timothy 6:6

Over the years, I have come to realize that contentment is a choice. True joy is not the result of having everything I want but of gratefully receiving exactly what God has given me. The enemy has robbed many of us of joy by getting us to live in that foolish realm of “if only.” We feel that we would be happy, “if only . . .”

“If only I had a husband . . .” or “If only I didn’t have a husband . . . !” or “If only I had a different husband.”

“If only we had children . . .” “If only we didn’t have so many children.” “If only I had a different job . . .” “If only I lived in a different place . . .” “If only I could own my own home. . .” “If only I made more money. . .”

The fact is that if we’re not content with what we have, we will never be content with what we think we want.


Singled Out for Him: Embracing the gift, the blessings, and the challenges of singleness ©2023 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

Scripture taken from The CSB

Make it Personal

How can you put aside the “if onlys” and live in the joy of the gifts God has given you?