Daily Reflections

In the Small Wee Hours

August 4, 2024 Karen Ellis

I am awake through each watch of the night to meditate on your promise. —Psalm 119:148

Nighttime is often when my mind skitters out of my control . . . In the wee small hours, I wrestle with my own powerlessness. . . . Yet nighttime can also be a time of humbling that drives me to my knees in a way that daytime does not. . . .

With my whole heart I cry; answer me, O Lord! I will keep your statutes. I call to you; save me, that I may observe your testimonies. (Psalm 119:145–146 esv) . . .

God’s poet reveals that the depth of human fear and anxiety can only be met and vanquished with equal or deeper depth of prayer; and yet the prayer can remain as simple as “Help me, I’m afraid” . . .

Much speaking does not amplify God’s yield: he knows we are weak, and often our words are few. Somehow, in the space before the throne, a divine equation is formed: brevity plus depth of soul produce more than enough to move the hand of God.1

His Testimonies, My Heritage, 2019, K.A. Ellis (Kristie Anyabwile)


His Testimonies, My Heritage (2019) edited by Kristie Anyabwile, used by kind permission of the Publisher, The Good Book Company. www.thegoodbook.com

Scripture taken from The CSB and The ESV

Make it Personal

What are some purposeful ways that you can cry out to God when fears arise and let Him flood you with His peace?