Daily Reflections

In This Moment

June 23, 2024 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. —2 Peter 3:18

Some would suggest that forgiveness takes place as the result and at the tail end of a lengthy healing process. While it’s true that the healing of mind, emotions, heart, and relationships generally takes time and involves a process of growth, if we wait to forgive until we are fully restored, we will likely never forgive.

The outworking of restoration and reconciliation in a broken relationship may extend over a period of time, requiring a lot more in the hard work department than one single prayer or decision. And as you grow in your understanding of the circumstances that took place, as well as your understanding of God’s ways, the forgiveness in your heart may well go to deeper levels.

But by God’s grace, you can choose to forgive in a moment of time, to the level of your understanding at that point. And though much more may be required of you down the line, the reality of being released from the prison cell of your own unforgiveness can happen today. This moment.


Choosing Forgiveness: Moving from Hurt to Hope ©2022 Revived Hearts Foundation

Scripture taken from The CSB

Make it Personal

Ask God to help you choose to forgive someone who’s hurt you—in this moment, on this day—so that you can be set free.