Daily Reflections

Lovers of God’s Law

September 4, 2024 Portia Collins

I hate those who are double-minded, but I love your instruction. —Psalm 119:113

In Psalm 119:113 the psalmist presents a contrast between those who love God’s law and those who do not—the “double-minded.” His contrast illustrates a righteous indignation against sin and all that is evil. . . .

To better understand the psalmist’s thought, let’s take a look at 1 Kings. . . . In chapter 18, Elijah boldly confronts King Ahab and all the people of Israel about their divided loyalty to the only true God. . . . To not be completely committed to Yahweh as King, and to his word as law, is in effect to reject him. Double-mindedness is no better than outright rejection.

Those who love God’s law are anchored in truth and lean not on their own understanding. God’s law is holy, righteous, and good (Rom. 7:12); therefore, loving God’s law with our hearts and minds is good. So it goes without saying that we should share the same mind and heart as the psalmist. There can be no “straddling the fence” when it comes to being true followers of God.1

1 His Testimonies, My Heritage, 2019, Portia Collins (Kristie Anyabwile)


His Testimonies, My Heritage (2019) edited by Kristie Anyabwile, used by kind permission of the Publisher, The Good Book Company. www.thegoodbook.com

Scripture taken from The CSB 

Make it Personal

Pray that you would be a lover of God’s law, that you would love it with all of your heart and mind.