Daily Reflections

No Such Thing as Small

August 3, 2024 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

Your adversary the devil is prowling around like a roaring lion, looking for anyone he can devour. —1 Peter 5:8

In October 2003, raging fires devastated massive portions of southern California, consuming more than 750,000 acres, destroying more than 3,600 homes, and claiming twenty-two lives.

Ken Hale, a state Forestry Department division chief, was one of many heroic firefighters who labored tirelessly to control the fires. Hale spoke of how his perspective changed when he saw the killer-nature of the fires: “As soon as I found out people had died, it changes the entire outlook on the fire. It goes from being an adversary, a worthy adversary, to something that’s very deadly, a monster.” 1

Most of us have become so familiar with sin that we no longer see it as a deadly monster. Ask Achan, Samson, Ananias, or Sapphira, who all lost their lives over “small,” secret sins.

There’s no such thing as a small sin. Every unconfessed sin is a seed that will produce a multiplied harvest.

Seth Hettena, “It’s Like War,” The Morning Journal. Last modified July 16, 2021. morningjournal.com/2003/10/29/its-like-war/


Holiness: The Heart God Purifies ©2004, 2005 Revived Hearts Foundation

Scripture taken from The CSB 


Make it Personal

Refuse to allow even one “small” or secret sin in your life.