Daily Reflections

Ready for the Bridegroom

September 1, 2024 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

The marriage of the Lamb has come, and his bride has prepared herself. —Revelation 19:7

It had been a short night of sleep. But that didn’t matter. I knew this day—November 14, 2015— was one I’d never forget. Today I would say “I do” before God and several hundred witnesses and become Mrs. Robert Wolgemuth.

I spent more hours than normal on my makeup and hair, getting my nails done, and putting on a beautiful new dress and sparkly shoes. I got more dressed-up than I had ever been. So, why did I go to so much trouble?

I’ll tell you why; I wanted to be adorned— beautiful, ready for my bridegroom. I wanted to bring Robert joy, just as his love brought me joy and made me feel beautiful.

Just as I wanted to look beautiful for my earthly bridegroom, we as believers are called to prepare ourselves for our heavenly Bridegroom— to be ready when Jesus returns. What if His return was today? Would He find His Bride ready to meet Him, without spot or wrinkle, holy and blameless? Or will she be dirty, disheveled, and stained?


Adorned: Living Out the Beauty of the Gospel Together ©2017 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

Scripture taken from The CSB

Make it Personal

Are you ready for Christ to return? What steps can you take today so that you will be prepared?