Daily Reflections

Reflecting His Beauty

September 2, 2024 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

So that they may adorn the teaching of God our Savior in everything. —Titus 2:10

I’ve never considered myself to be particularly beautiful. It’s not that I think I’m unattractive. Instead, I’ve tried to focus on cultivating beauty of character and the heart. Yet I can still remember how my heart skipped a beat the first time Robert told me I was beautiful.

Robert kept telling me I was beautiful—and he really seemed to mean it. Gradually I began to believe that he truly saw me that way. His continual affirmation had a tenderizing, beau- tifying effect on my heart. Our courtship and marriage has helped me realize in a new and deeper way that when we’re adorned with another’s love, we develop a greater capacity to reflect love and beauty to others.

God has placed us here on earth as ambassadors of the gospel. Our calling as His followers is to make His love and truth visible and believable— and beautiful—to skeptical observers. Because they see it in us. Because they see it changing us. His love is making us beautiful. Adorning us. And, through us, adorning His gospel.


Adorned: Living Out the Beauty of the Gospel Together ©2017 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

Scripture taken from The CSB

Make it Personal

Think about someone you know whose life adorns the gospel. What is it about them that helps make Christ’s love and truth believable?