Daily Reflections

The Power of the Cross

August 29, 2024 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

Do not let sin reign in your mortal body, so that you obey its desires. —Romans 6:12

As believers, we must be serious about putting to death our sinful flesh and anything and everything that feeds it.

Ultimately, that takes us back to the cross, where Jesus died for sin and died to sin so we could be free from sin. Only His cross has the power to strike the deathblow to our sinful selves. Through reckoning ourselves to have been crucified with Him, our flesh, with its sinful desires, is put to death. This death is past tense, an accomplished reality for every believer.

However, we must also make a daily, determined choice to reject sin’s rule in our lives. So, how do we live in light of the good news that we’re no longer enslaved to sin? Use that freedom to say yes to righteousness and no to sin.

When faced with opportunities to indulge your flesh, don’t stand around and think about it. Don’t fool yourself into thinking you can handle it. Refuse to indulge yourself, even for a moment, in whatever pleasures sin might offer.


Holiness: The Heart God Purifies ©2004, 2005 Revived Hearts Foundation

Scripture taken from The CSB 

Make it Personal

Ask God that when a sinful choice is before you, He would give you the power to run the opposite way!