“The one who remains in me and I in him produces much fruit, because you can do nothing without me.” —John 15:5
Spiritual dry spells are difficult to understand and harder to endure. Sometimes we experience them because we haven’t regularly nourished our souls with Scripture, prayer, or fellowship. When we haven’t fed our faithfulness, our affection for Christ shrivels and our growth is stunted.
Yet the practices we are resistant to are the ones we need the most. The Word, prayer, and the Church are the means of grace God has given us to hold fast to Him (Heb. 10:19–25). We must cling to the God-ordained means of growth even—and especially—when our hearts feel cold.
A broken branch has no hope of putting out green leaves if it’s severed from the bush. And our hearts won’t bear the fruit of godliness if we’re not firmly attached to Jesus. He is the source of our growth, joy, peace, and steadfastness. When you don’t feel like staying attached to the Vine through the means He’s given us, do it anyway. Obedience is the way out.
“When You’re Spiritually Dry, Stay Attached to the Vine” (ReviveOurHearts.com/blog)
Scripture taken from The CSB
Make it Personal
How can you stay engaged in spiritual practices like reading your Bible, prayer, and church involvement even when you don’t feel like it?