Daily Reflections

There’s No Substitute

September 6, 2024 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

Not neglecting to gather together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging each other. —Hebrews 10:25

It takes just a quick scan of today’s headlines to realize we’re living in evil times. And until Jesus returns, it will only get worse. That’s why as Christians, we need one another. We need to encourage each other to keep going, to live for Christ. And what better place to find that than in church?

However, as Hebrews points out, some believers neglect “to gather together.” They think, I can do this Christian-life thing on my own. Who needs the church?

I do! You do! We all need to come together for comfort, encouragement, and strength so we can be light and salt in this world that so desperately needs Jesus.

There’s no substitute for having other believers in your life, and there’s no substitute for the local church. If we try and live this Christian life on our own, we’re not going to make it. But when we come together with other believers, we can hold each other up—no matter what difficult things come our way.


Encouraging One Another” (Revive Our Hearts series)

Scripture taken from The CSB 

Make it Personal

How has the Body of Christ helped to bring you comfort, encouragement, and strength?