Daily Reflections

Turning the Corner on Worry Prayers

June 22, 2024 Kimberly Wagner

I will remember the Lord’s works; yes, I will remember your ancient wonders. I will reflect on all you have done and meditate on your actions. —Psalm 77:11–12

I sometimes find myself in the miserable rut of “worry prayers,” the tendency to view circumstances from a negative perspective and run ahead of God’s grace for the situation. I lift these “worry prayers” up to the throne rather than faith-driven prayers surrounded by gratitude-filled praises.

The antidote to worry is gratitude. We can watch how this occurs in Psalm 77. First, it seems as if the psalmist is having a pity-party, asking, “God, don’t You care?” Perhaps you can relate to being in a dark place and feeling forsaken when no visible changes occur in a situation you’ve prayed over for years. But then the psalmist turns a corner when he remembers all the Lord has done (v. 11).

When we take our eyes off all we are not seeing God do and begin thanking Him and proclaiming His goodness for all we have seen Him do, our perspective transforms from worry to praise and gratitude!


Turning the Corner on Worry Prayers” (ReviveOurHearts.com/blog)

Scripture taken from The CSB 

Make it Personal

Start a running list of things you’re thankful for. Use it to guard your heart when circumstances bring dark clouds filled with heavy worry.