Daily Reflections

Use Your Gifts

May 23, 2024 Erin Davis

As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace. —1 Peter 4:10 ESV

It’s been my experience that when it comes to spiritual gifts, most of us fall into one of two categories. Either we don’t know what our gifts are, or we’re waiting for someone to give us permission to use them.

I’ve made it one of my missions in life to help Christians know their gifts and then use them to have an impact on God’s kingdom. This is the category I want to live in every day of my life and where I want you to live too. Because your gifts belong to me. And my gifts belong to you. Paul teaches us this concept with a powerful word picture of the Body of Christ found in 1 Corinthians 12.

When you use your gifts, it benefits me. When I use my gifts, it benefits you. And when we don’t, the whole Body suffers. You’ve got God-given gifts. Get busy using them! It’s one way you can choose to love the “one anothers.”


Living Out the One Anothers of Scripture: A 30-Day Devotional ©2020 Revive Our Hearts

Scripture taken from The ESV

Make it Personal

Do you know what your spiritual gifts are? How are you using them to serve the “one anothers” in your life?