Daily Reflections

Wait on the Lord

June 9, 2024 Patricia Saladin

“You will be delivered by returning and resting; your strength will lie in quiet confidence.” —Isaiah 30:15

Several years ago, I was faced with a situation that I desperately wanted to be quickly resolved. It was one of those circumstances that tests your heart and reveals a lack of “waiting” on God.

In my quiet time, I came upon Isaiah 30:15. The last words of the verse stood out: “your strength will lie in quiet confidence.” I would have liked to take the reins and do so many things, but this text reminded me that I should wait in stillness and confidence before the Lord.

The context of Isaiah 30 is that the Israelites were threatened by a large army, and they decided to go to Egypt for help because they thought God wasn’t taking care of the problem as they believed He should (vv. 1–5).

In these types of situations, we can give up or desperately look for the solution in our own strength. But there’s another way to respond, a right way: to wait on God and put our hope in His Word.


“Making Stillness My Strength” (Mujer Verdadera blog at AvivaNuestrosCorazones.com)

Scripture taken from The CSB 

Make it Personal

How can you choose to wait before the Lord in stillness and confidence rather than trying to take things into your own hands?