Daily Reflections

We Need Women Who Weep

August 5, 2024 Yamell Jaramillo

Summon the women who mourn; send for the skillful women. Let them come quickly to raise a lament over us so that our eyes may overflow with tears. —Jeremiah 9:17–18

The prophet Jeremiah was in the midst of a painful circumstance. Evidently, Judah hadn’t learned anything from what happened to Israel. God told him to look for women who were professional wailers to come and cry out so that Jerusalem would be encouraged to cry for itself. They needed to cry out because their city had been shattered.

These women didn’t just cry with their eyes on all they had lost; they directed their cries heavenward.

Trusting in God’s rule and times of wailing aren’t mutually exclusive. Sometimes we’re to come to God with repentant hearts, burdened by the pain of our world and cry out to God for mercy.

Today let us gather our voices and cry out. Wail for the needs the Holy Spirit puts on your heart. Don’t hold back. Cry out to the Lord about the things that break your heart and ask Him to intervene, like only He can.


Cry Out! Challenge (ReviveOurHearts.com, 2020)

Scripture taken from The CSB

Make it Personal

What brings you to tears? How can you turn that grief into a declaration that heaven rules?