Daily Reflections

What Are You Waiting For?

January 2, 2025 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

No one has heard, no one has listened to, no eye has seen any God except you who acts on behalf of the one who waits for him. —Isaiah 64:4

When we use the word “wait,” we typically mean it in a passive sense. We’re waiting for summer or a package to arrive. It’s not something we’re thinking about constantly. But the Hebrew word for “wait” in Isaiah 64:4 is active. It means to tarry, to long, to cling or adhere to. It has the sense of something that’s uppermost on a person’s mind.

The psalmist expressed this when he said, “I wait for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning” (Psalm 130:6). If you’ve ever worked a night shift, you know how eagerly you “wait” for morning to come!

God promises to “welcome” (Isa. 64:5) those who wait for Him in this way, those who expectantly incline their hearts toward Him. That’s what revival is, really—an encounter with God. It begins when God responds to those who have little else on their minds but desiring Him, whose hearts are truly waiting for Him.


The Quiet Place: Daily Devotional Readings

©2012 Nancy Leigh DeMoss

Scripture taken from The CSB

Make it Personal

What causes us to “wait” for things less important than our need for God? What would “waiting for God” look like in your life?