Daily Reflections

When Prayer Weeps

July 27, 2024 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

As he approached and saw the city, he wept for it. —Luke 19:41

When Jesus looked out over Jerusalem, the city where within a week He would spill His atoning blood, He saw things most people don’t see. He didn’t only see buildings and crowds. He saw the hearts of men and women. People who had rejected God’s right to rule over their lives.

The word “wept” in Luke 19 speaks of sobbing, bawling, wailing aloud, the kind of anguish usually reserved for mourning a death. Most of us don’t often weep over the spiritual needs of others. Perhaps that’s because we don’t see people the way Jesus sees them. And we don’t see the broken heart of a holy God whose mercy and grace have been rejected. For when we do, our hearts will break with His.

How great is our burden for those who suffer around us, not only in hospital waiting rooms and funeral homes but in the unseen dungeons of their own sin? To have the heart of Christ is to grieve over their rejection of their King and to join our Savior in His intercession.


The Quiet Place: Daily Devotional Readings ©2012 Nancy Leigh DeMoss

Scripture taken from The CSB

Make it Personal

Ask God to give you His heart for those in your community who do not know and have not received Him.