Daily Reflections

Why We Need Each Other

September 7, 2024 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

Therefore encourage one another and build each other up as you are already doing. —1 Thessalonians 5:11

We may claim to love Jesus, but people don’t always see His beauty reflected in our attitudes and actions. They don’t always see in us the transforming power of His love.

Instead, too often they see people who are just as overwhelmed, preoccupied, petty, or unloving as everyone else. If we’re honest, that’s the way we sometimes see ourselves.

We long to do better. But how? How in the world do we manage to adorn the gospel and let it adorn us in the midst of our mundane or agonizing realities?

The good news is that this task of being adorned by the gospel and enhancing the way it’s perceived by others isn’t something we’re called to do alone. To help us accomplish what He has given us to do, God has graciously given us His Spirit and His Church. And for us women, God has given us a community of other believing women for inspiration and support.

We were never meant to live out the Christian life alone.

Make it Personal

How have other people encouraged and helped you to reflect the beauty of Christ? How can you help someone else do that today?