Insight for the Day

First Things First

July 18, 2024 Robert Wolgemuth—Editor

If only they had such a heart to fear me and keep all my commands always, so that they and their children would prosper forever. ~Deuteronomy 5:29

My first job right out of college was in youth ministry. When I began my undergraduate years, I thought I was getting ready for something related to medicine, but my heart was drawn to youth ministry. So, for almost seven years, youth ministry is what I did.

During the process of training for this specialized work, I remember a class taught by a successful and well-known youth ministry veteran. I remember looking forward to this class, eager to learn all the techniques this man was going to give our group—clues on how to run an effective youth program.

When the man stood to speak, he made a few opening remarks I’ll never forget. He told us that successful youth ministry was not, primarily, about learning methodology. There were many frustrated and unsuccessful youth ministers around the country who were veritable textbooks on meeting planning, special event coordination, and even Bible knowledge. “The thing that will decide your success as a youth minister,” the wise teacher finally said, “is whether you love teenagers.”

I remember being stunned by this simple and profound statement. But in the years that followed, I clearly learned its truth.

Today’s text includes the Ten Commandments. Moses brought this famous list of dos and don’ts down from the mountain, chiseled in stone. It’s a list that is relevant and important to obey right now, just as it was centuries ago.

But tucked into this chapter is an important truth. Moses told the people that the Lord first wanted their hearts to be drawn to Him—to love Him, to respect (fear) Him—and then they should obey the commandments.

Living for God is not, primarily, about technique. It’s not about collecting gold stars for good behavior. Living for God is about loving Him, respecting His ways, and wanting to obey Him.

Pray that God will draw your heart to Him because, once this is in place, obeying the commandments actually comes more easily than you’d ever think.