Insight for the Day

No Lone Rangers Here

June 6, 2024 Robert Wolgemuth—Editor

When Moses’ hands grew heavy, they took a stone and put it under him, and he sat down on it. Then Aaron and Hur supported his hands, one on one side and one on the other so that his hands remained steady until the sun went down. Exodus 17:12

“With a cloud of dust and a hearty, ‘Hi-yo, Silver!’”

This is the way one of my favorite black-and-white television programs began. The Lone Ranger, starring Clayton Moore, was about a good guy who dressed in a pure white cowboy outfit—never any dirt on its stainlessness, even after a fight— but he wore a black mask. A real metaphor mix, if you know what I mean. However, this wasn’t even the starkest paradox in the program. The Lone Ranger never went anywhere alone; he always took his faithful companion, Tonto, along. Even the Lone Ranger was not, in fact, a lone ranger.

God never intended for you and me to do our jobs as men or husbands or dads all by ourselves. Believe it or not, He has surrounded us with faithful sidekicks and partners. Certainly, if you’re married, your wife can share in carrying the load. Youth ministers, extended family, neighbors—many of these people are only a phone call or text away from helping with the daunting task of effective fathering.

The Israelites were in a battle with the Amalekites. It was one of those fights that could have gone either way. As the field commander, Moses discovered that when he held the staff God had given him high in his hands, his army prevailed. But when his arms grew tired and the staff fell to his side, his army lost ground. So Moses’s two lieutenants, Aaron and Hur, stood next to him and held his hands high for him until sundown. As a result, the Israelites prevailed.

Isn’t this a spectacular picture? The man charged with being the leader—the father—of his people gives his family a victory by asking his friends to help. There’s no indication that this was hard for Moses to do. We don’t know if he had to swallow his pride and admit that his arms were tired, too heavy to hold up by himself. All we know is that he got the help he needed and saved his family.

You are not the Lone Ranger. You cannot do your job all alone. You aren’t even supposed to try. Sit down with a trusted colleague or your wife and tell them that you feel overwhelmed by the task of being a godly man, a faithful dad. Call your pastor and seek his counsel. Pick an older guy whose marriage you and your wife admire, a businessman who seems to know what he’s doing. Humbly admit your need for help, and remember that even the Lone Ranger didn’t go it alone.