Insight for the Day

The Bush Is Still Burning

May 21, 2024 Robert Wolgemuth—Editor

“Do not come closer,” he said. “Remove the sandals from your feet, for the place where you are standing is holy ground.” (Exodus 3:5)

Take a moment to think of the answer to this question: Who, in your opinion, is the most important person alive today? A brilliant thinker? A sports hero? A great military leader? An entrepreneurial billionaire?

Now imagine that you’re sitting in your favorite restaurant with a good friend. He leans forward and whispers, “The most important person in the world (whomever you chose), is sitting right over there behind you.”

Can you imagine how you would feel? Your heart would beat a little faster. Even your confidence would rise, just knowing that such a person had chosen your local hangout to eat a meal. Even if you never turned around to see this person or heard the sound of their voice, your dining experience would be different because you were in his or her presence.

No matter whom you chose to be your “most important person in the world,” that person cannot come close to comparing to the God of the universe. The One who, with the sound of His voice, created the heavens and the earth. The One who is never in the dark—never shocked or surprised. The One who, with mercy and grace, forgives our willful transgressions.

Moses was having one of those at-a-restaurant-minding-his-own-business days. He was innocently taking care of his father-in-law’s sheep when he saw a bit of scrub brush burst into flames. As he approached, he saw that the bush was on fire, but it wasn’t being consumed. But if Moses thought this was fantastic, he couldn’t possibly have predicted what would happen next.

God spoke to Moses.

Take a moment to let that sink in. God’s voice—one of the only times in the entire Bible where we have this phenomenon recorded—was audibly heard. Can you imagine how Moses must have felt? Like you would have felt at your local restaurant—marinated in pure adrenaline. The text (see v. 6) tells us that Moses was so overwhelmed he covered his face. It’s amazing that his heart didn’t beat right out of his chest.

Now, here’s the most incredible truth of this story. You and I are in God’s presence right now. The most important Person who has ever lived is in this room. With us. He’s listening and watching. He knows our words, our thoughts, our actions, even our intentions. And His Word promises us that He loves us. Can you believe it?

Today let the glow of the torching tumbleweed overwhelm you. Let it light your path. Let it purify your mind. Let it warm your chilly heart. Take a look. God is here. With you and me. The bush is still burning.