Whatever you think about Jesus . . . He is more. Incomparably more
Get your copy of Incomparable
From heaven to earth, resurrection to right this minute . . . you will find that Jesus—fully God and fully man—is everything you will ever need.
When you give a gift of any amount to Revive Our Hearts today, we’ll send you Nancy’s book as our heartfelt thanks for being a part of life change in women like “Jessica,” who shared with us recently:
This year, I have committed to returning to my First Love by getting up earlier—no matter how tired—and spending quality time in the Word, prayer, and listening to your daily podcast.
Like the desperate woman in Luke 8, I am reaching for the hem of His garment. Thank you so much for your ministry!
By supporting Revive Our Hearts today, you’ll help us reach even more women like Jessica, who are desperate to find freedom, fullness, and fruitfulness in Christ.
As our thanks for your gift of any amount, we’ll send you Incomparable: 50 Days with Jesus.
It’s our prayer that these readings will impact the way you live, worship, and love others.