Share the Wonder

Partner with us to reach the next generation of women to be transformed by the wonder of God’s Word.

Become a Revive Partner

Questions? Call 1-800-569-5959

Image of Nancy

"From the beginning, I dreamed Revive Our Hearts would be an infusion of grace, biblical thinking, and gospel-centered perspectives that would go into the lives of women. That’s what Revive Our Hearts is doing around the world. Our Revive Partners are part of that—giving, praying, investing in making this ministry possible. I’m so grateful, and our prayer is that God would add many, many more partners."

Meet Tessa and Linda, two of our Revive Partners. Not only do they share a commitment to the ministry, but they are living out the message of thriving in Christ, regardless of their circumstances.

Women around the world are searching for truth. For hope. For peace. For clarity amidst confusion. In Jesus, they find it here.

A woman out there longs for a different life—a new job, changed responsibilities, a more loving husband, deeper community, children walking with the Lord, freedom from loneliness. She is battling the enemy's lies or feeling like her prayers go unheard. We want to reach her and remind her of the freedom, fullness, and fruitfulness found in Christ—but we can’t do it without your help.

When you commit to supporting Revive Our Hearts through a monthly gift of $30 or more, you are filling a vital need in our ministry. Your faithful giving allows us to share the wonder of God’s Word and unfailing hope with sisters around the world through trusted resources helping them thrive in Christ. You can help support women like this Revive Partner, who shared that “amidst my circumstances, I wanted to be a part of Revive Our Hearts and give monthly. I feel like I have a partner walking beside me through this time of hardship, persecution, and challenges.”

Become a Revive Partner this month and join us in seeing women experience freedom, fullness, and fruitfulness in Christ—all for God’s glory.

Your Investment Makes a Difference

2025 Goal


New Revive Partners

We are currently at 34% of our goal.

Select Your Partnership Level

Tier 1

$30–$99per month

You will automatically receive:
  • Our monthly Daily Reflections devotional
  • A complimentary copy of new books by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth
Upon request:
  • A select complimentary monthly resource
  • Admission to our Revive Partner Facebook group
  • Complimentary registration to select Revive Our Hearts events

Tier 2

$100–$249per month

You will automatically receive:
  • Our monthly Daily Reflections devotional
  • A complimentary copy of new books by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth
  • A 25% off discount code for all regularly priced resources in the Revive Our Hearts store . . . 365 days a year!
Upon request:
  • A select complimentary monthly resource
  • Admission to our Revive Partner Facebook group
  • Complimentary registration to select Revive Our Hearts events

Tier 3

$250or more per month

You will automatically receive:
  • Our monthly Daily Reflections devotional
  • A complimentary copy of new books by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth
  • A 25% off discount code for all regularly priced resources in the Revive Our Hearts store . . . 365 days a year!
  • Opportunities to participate in invitation-only ministry events
Upon request:
  • A select complimentary monthly resource
  • Admission to our Revive Partner Facebook group
  • Complimentary registration to select Revive Our Hearts events

Due to IRS regulations, the fair market value (FMV) of any goods or services received in response to your donation may be deducted from your donation amount and will be reflected as such on your year-end giving statement.

Have Questions?

Our ministry services team and Revive Partner Specialist Portia Collins are ready to help. Please reach out to us via email at or by phone at 1-800-569-5959.

Portia Collins

Revive Partner Specialist
