Seeking Him
As you seek the Lord with all your heart, you can be assured that He will restore, renew, and revive you.
In this interactive study, you'll move step by step toward true joy in the Lord. Each week includes five days of individual study, questions for group discussion and interaction, testimonies of changed lives, and “Making it Personal” exercises—the perfect recipe for a healthy spiritual diet.
"Nancy and Tim will take you by the hand and lead you into the presence of our Holy God where you’ll long to be holy even as He is holy.”
Kay Arthur, Precept Ministries International -
“Everybody is talking about revival, but seldom have we seen a clear step-by-step guide to experiencing personal and corporate revival. This is every pastor’s dream. Finally! A guide to assist every member in personal revival and every church in corporate revival.”
Tony Evans, Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship -
"If you are tired of religious fads and Band-Aid solutions, let Seeking Him draw you near to the God who abundantly supplies grace on every level of our lives.”
Jim Cymbala, The Brooklyn Tabernacle